Friday, November 30, 2012



Feats of science is a page dedicated to those revolutionary contributors of excellence in science that illustrates the consciousness flowing through the biological matrix we know as the human body.  In my art I have depicted these realms that now are beginning to be photographed better by the latest  scientific technology.  Here we have a site that has captured what I included in the painting above in 2006 that includes the neurons of the spine. Click on the picture above for another interesting link.

Aryana's art will be sold as art prints form the originals in the future. Drums of the Winged Carrier 2020 my novel mentions illuminated rain which is what the firing of the spine's neurons look like as well and the novel is coded with wording to help people awaken to their divine intelligence flowing more powerfully.  TV show Luna and all the movies I wrote are the same coded imagery and wording to help people to remember what they are as divine entities.  Once they are sold and produced with all this information in an entertaining presentation that educates on a deep level in addition to the offerings of Blue Matrix Energetics the whole offerings of my work will be received as meticulously crafted for all people to enjoy and to become educated by at a higher level of consciousness that science is also now photographing.

Review:  lights, camera and action! Did you do your Petite Cafe today and your other QMTtools for action to keep flowing as the 'lights' glowing bright and after a 'camera take' taking it all in that picture your action is still flowing as your creation all around you!  It is not unlike the wisdom us old movie people have how reality is formed each day.  Enjoy the science of your quantum creations now better understood by you from the action of your Holy Spirit now capturable by science. 

Below is another treat by a doctor who photographs the microscopic biological matrix this shot is of the retina the eye I paint at the top.

Some of the Mesopotamian drawings of trees and stars are also reminiscent of this photo of neurons.

Stunning from another medical facility lit up with living cell consciousness on the study of heart and lungs.  Here you can see the tiny webs in UV blue light in the cells.

Neural heart cells are a about 60 percent of the heart muscle here they are photographed with other cells...

On the spine there are new scans that tell of the neurology of the spine this link has access to the publication that features new science models...


Below golden egg released of a human ovary!